CNA, Brazil's Language School, partnered with a pizza restaurant in Los Angeles and arranged for students in São Paulo to take the pizza orders of customers in California, allowing them to talk to native speakers in real-life situations.
We used 3 different technologies to implement this concept:
A specially developed app which facilitates and drives the action;
WebRTC technology that intercepts a normal call and transfers it via VoIP to the app;
A printer that was designed to receive, in Los Angeles, the orders taken by our students in São Paulo.
Interface app
Shortlist Mobile - Cannes Lions 2015
Shortlist Media - Cannes Lions 2015
Bronze Direct - Clio Awards 2015
Silver Sites/Blogs ands Apps - El Ojo 2015
Silver UX/UI - One Show 2016
Merit - Consumer: Applications& Sites - One Show
Bronze Direct - 40º Anuário CCSP
Bronze Interactive - 40º Anuário CCSP
Bronze Mobile - 40º Anuário CCSP
Creative Directors: Joanna Monteiro and Max Geraldo
Digital Creative Director: Pedro Gravena
Creative Directors: Adriano Alarcon and Carlos Schleder
Copywriter: Alessandra Muccillo and Lui Lima
Art Director: Andre Mancini and Rômulo Caballero
Creative Technologist: Márcio Bueno
Digital Production: Bolha
Project Manager: Lia D’Amico and Suelen Mariano.
Information Technology VP: Gerson Lupatini
Account: Mauro Silveira, Alec Cocchiaro, Pedro Führer, Diogo Braga and Thiago Figueiredo
Planner: Raphael Barreto, Frederico Steinhoff, Alice Alcântara and Stephanie Day.
Media: Alexandre Ugadim, Cris Omura, Rafael Amaral, Monica Oliveira, Aline Lins and Camila Oliveira
RTV: Charles Nobili and Ricardo Magozo
Production Company: Crash of Rhinos
Director: Miguel Thomé
Co-Direction: João Luz
Photographer: Marcos Ribas
Account Production Company: Diego Melo and Mary Lacoleta
Editor: Miguel Thomé
Sound Producer: Cabaret
Editor: Guilherme Azem
Account Sound Producer: Cayto Trivellato
L.A. Producer: EAT (Entertainment, Art, Talent)
Client Supervisors: Luciana Fortuna, Nicadan Galvão e Ricardo Martins