Inspired by a FCB Brazil study, "The Fears that Hang over Us", which looks at the many different fears people have in contemporary times. Written and directed by Gabriela Mellão, who participated in the entire study, the play seeks to, above all, portray the findings through a sensorial experience. It stars Ester Laccava, Erika Puga, Alexandre Stockler, Clovys Tôrres and Plínio Soares.
The study "The Fears that Hang over Us" carried out by FCB Brasil in partnership with Coletivo Tsuru and Quantas, analyzed people's different fears in contemporary times, living in the digital urban reality we all share. One of its conclusions is that failure and the fear of facing what is new – individual fears – are the preponderant feelings of Brazilians, followed by the fear of violence and the fear of threats to their children.
The piece presents a poetic reflection on the insights resulting from theoretical discussions with scholars on the topic, such as psycho-biophysicist Samuel Souza, sociologist Miguel Jost, and psychiatrist Paulo Ficks, a researcher at PROVE (the Violence Research and Support Program), as well as the research focus groups with the Brazilians who participated in the study: 2,000 people of different socio-economic status and from different locations around the country.
The script of the play is the result of a compilation of texts written by Mellão with excerpts of other texts adapted from Spanish playwrights Rodrigo Garcia and Angelica Liddell, two world-renowned giants in the world of theater, among other contemporary authors, such as the poet Paul Celan.
Written and directed by: Gabriela Mellão
With: Ester Laccava, Erika Puga, Alexandre Stockler, Clovys Tôrres and Plínio Soares.
Creative body and contributing dramatists: Ester Laccava, Erika Puga, Alexandre Stockler, Clovys Tôrres, Plínio Soares, Luciana Ramanzini, Aline Santini, Antonio Salvador, Reinaldo Soares, Aline Abovsky, Tono Guimarães and Lutz Gallmesteir.
Production: Fernando de Marchi (De Marchi Produções) and Pedro Santos
Lighting: Aline Santini
Original score: Lutz Gallmesteir
Scenography: Camila Schmidt and Rogério Velloso
Photography: Marcelo Uchôa
Choreography: Reinaldo Soares
Physical Therapist: Glauco Muller
Assistant Director: Tono Guimarães
Audio Operator: André Teles
Press Agent: Morente Forte
Production: FCB Brasil and Gabriela Mellão
FCB Credits:
Chief Creative Officer: Joanna Monteiro
Creative Executive Director: Fábio "Simon" Simões
Creative Directors: Marco Monteiro and André Pallu
Art Direction: Gabriel Barrea
Copywriter: Gabriel Barbério
Projects: Suélen Mariano
Planners: Marcia Neri, Nelson Kuniyoshi and Flávia Antoniolli
Media: Fábio Freitas, Germano Oliveira and Robson Cruz
RTV: Charles Nobili and Mariana Carneiro
Graphic Production: João Albertini and Daniela Fonseca
Art Buyer: Bibiana Oliveira