The Kangaroo Generation, young adults aged 25 to 34 who still live with their parents, continues to grow in Brazil. The name is a reference to kangaroos, who only leave their mother's pouches when they feel confident enough to do so. According to data from the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), the number of adult children who extended their stays with their families or moved back in with their parents, increased by 25.3% in 2015. During this same year, the employment rate (71.7%) for young adults who still live with their parents was similar to those who lived on their own (75.1%), suggesting that their reluctance to leave home was not directly related to unemployment.
Based on this insight, FCB Brasil created for ZAP (, the largest real state portal in Brazil, the "Hint Books" project, a series of books parents can give their children with hints for looking for their own apartment.
The books are based on three profiles of young adults who have not yet moved out, such as those waiting until they are married, those who pursue one college degree after another (and therefore have no income), and those who don't move out because they don't know how to take care of themselves. ZAP is launching three books "Nobody Moved My Cheese – The advantages of living alone in a few steps: to the outside of your parents’ house," "The Fault in our Studies – Books are doors to knowledge. And to the outside of your parents' house," and "The Secret of the Fitted Sheets – Why does the bed make up by itself? Why do the dishes disappear? Why do you still live with your parents? Solve those and other mysteries."
The content of the books pokes fun and offers practical advice about housekeeping, simple recipes to use in a pinch, teaches readers how to pay their bills, and covers other topics in the world of living on your own and being independent.
Client: ZAP
Title: Hint Books
Agency: FCB Brasil
Chief Creative Officer: Joanna Monteiro
Executive Creative Director: Fábio Simões
Creative Director: Romero Cavalcanti
Art Director: Adriana Sampaio, Adriano Menta, Henrique Ferreira, Leonardo Zardo, Lúcio Alves, Rogério de Castro, Romulo Caballero, Victor Yves.
Copywriter: Mariana Carvalho, Rafael Britzki
Art Buyer: Daniel Gonçalves e Mallani Maia
Illustration: Daraujo&Co, Marcelo Tolentino, Rafael Duque
3D Illustration (Cover Book): Julio César
Writer: Mariana Carvalho
Graphics Production: João Albertini, Daniela Fonseca, Camila Galdêncio
Project Manager: Suelen Mariano
Technology: Márcio Bueno, Victor Odo
Technology Producer: Brave
Account: Elton Longhi, Pedro Führer, Yan Sertã
Planner: Marcia Neri, Bianca Reame, Rafael Gonçales, Márcio Rodrigues, Carolina Valentim
Media: Fábio Freitas, Camila Gazzano, Mariana Rossi, Gabriela Monteiro
RTV: Charles Nobili, Ricardo Magozo, Pedro Lazzuri, Mariana Carneiro, Natasha Zaminiani
Client Approval: Eduardo Schaeffer, Samia Marcon, Kamilla Granato